
Who would have thought

In doing research with some of the staff here, I was sent a link which I will share with you at the end of this note. Who would think that not being able to read as a child could end up so horribly wrong. Would you? After all, it seems like such a small thing to read. Maybe we take advantage of that fact while we drive around town or, go out to a restaurant, pick our favorite movie or show on TV.
Okay so yes we do know the importance of reading. But how much of it do you really know? Are you aware of the consequences for not reading? I didn't realize how serious it was until I read this particular link. I hope that after you read it maybe you could find a way to help us out in our community by donating to the New Gen of Reno book drive.  But you don't have to stop there. You can also make sure you help a child or even an adult to read. Maybe you can become a volunteer tutor to help someone out in need. Now let me share with you this link that I feel is so important for you to read.

The Real Importance of Learning

Let me also give you the links to our drop off locations. 
Click here for book drive drop off locations.