
Just Another Reason To Keep Our Kids Reading

First, I just want to thank you in advance for helping New Gen of Reno Rotary Club's book drive.  We all want to thank you for knowing the importance of our children's education. Every time I read the statistics of poverty and crime, I realize just how important it is to take a few moments out and be with our kids. Teaching them values and teaching them how important education is. Spending a few minutes with them each day to read and get involved with the story that you may be telling them is incredibly huge, not to mention fun for them and you as well. What a great family activity reading can be. Maybe taking turns while each child gives his/her version of a story. Books can help bring family time back where it belongs. With the family. Here is a link that was shared with us that I would also like to share with you.

Here is another link for the book drive donations.