
Learning to Read Through Sesame Street

How many of you remember learning words from the good old show Sesame Street? I am proud to say that was my favorite as a child. There are so many options and ways to teach your child a fun way to read. You have TV shows, movies, games, books, arts and crafts, even puzzles.

TV should not be the main focus of your child's learning of course, but it can help. After they watch their favorite show, take them aside and find out how much of it they were able to absorb by playing with them. Ask them to spell out a word that was on the show, or have them draw it. Interacting with your kids will help them learn and absorb information a lot easier.
This will help them develop their memory skills as they grow and give them the confidence they will need in school and around their peers.
Find Some Fun Games On Sesame Street